Foster Application Please read our important foster information before filling out this form! First Name * Last Name * Address * City * State * AL AK AR AZ CA CO CT DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Zip/Postal Code * Home Phone Number * Work Phone Number Cell Phone Number Email Address * How old are you? * What is your place of employment/career? * Have you ever been convicted of animal cruelty, abandonment, or neglect? If yes, please explain. * How many adults 21 and over live in your home? Who are they in relation to you? * How many individuals under the age of 21 live with you? What are their ages? * Does anyone in your household have a fear of dogs? * Is anyone in the house allergic to dogs? * Do you own or rent your home? * Choose one: Rent Own What type of home do you live in? * Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing Describe your home's activity level: Busy/noisy? Moderate comings/going? Or quiet occasional guests? * If you rent, have you received approval from your landlord to have an animal? (Please put N/A if you do not rent) * If you are rent, please provide your landlord's name and phone number for verification: (Please put N/A if you do not rent) * If your landlord allows dogs, is there a breed restriction? (Please put N/A if you do not rent) * Have you checked to make sure your home owner's insurance policy allows you to own a pit bull or pit bull mix type dog? In the case of a landlord, you should check about their insurance. We will need to see proof that it will be allowed before you foster a dog. * How will you exercise this pup? (i.e. Leash walks everyday, cable or pup run in the yard, free to run in fenced yard, supervised access to unfenced yard, free to roam around off leash and unsupervised in unfenced area, dog park) * What is the yard size? (small, medium, large) * Is your yard fenced? * Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced What type of fence? * Choose one: Privacy Cable Link Invisible No Fence What is the height of the fence? (Please put N/A if you do not have a fence or if it is an Invisible Fence) * Would the dog ever be left out unsupervised? * Where will the animal be kept when you are not at home? (ex. crate, pup pen, outside kennel, loose indoor or out) * How many hours per day will the animal be home alone? * Will the dog be kept inside or outside? * Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside Where will the animal sleep at night? * Are you willing to house train a dog? * What method of housebreaking will you use, if applicable? * Do you own any other animals? If so, please list them here: * Are all pets up to date on vaccinations and heartworm testing? * Do you feel that a pet should be spayed/neutered? Why or why not? * Are your pets spayed/neutered? Why or why not? * Have your current pets been exposed to/are tolerable of other animals? * List previously owned pets, dates owned, and what happened to that pet if they are no longer with you. * Of all the breeds available, why do you want this breed? * Have you had any experience with this breed? * Does your municipality have breed specific restrictions? * Are you willing to take a dog for obedience class? * Will you be able to take the dog to vet appointments, monthly PLR events, and allow potential adopters to visit the animal? * Are you willing to use a crate for a dog if recommended? * Are you willing and able to medicate an animal if necessary, even if it is only monthly heartworm pills? * What will you do if the dog soils the floor or claws/chews the furniture? * What will you do if the dog gets into trouble by ruining something of value? * How will you discipline the dog? * What do you consider unacceptable behavior from a dog, and what would you do to correct these behaviors? (Please be specific) * In your opinion, what physical symptoms and/or behaviors would warrant immediate medical attention? * What would you do if you could not keep the dog? (Please be specific) * Under what circumstances would you consider giving up your foster? Barking, housebreaking, chewing, jumping up, shyness/other fears, shedding, digging, scratching, climbing on furniture, other (explain), none (you are committed to working with the animal to correct any of these problems or any they may occur) * Under what other possible circumstances would you return the animal? Move, new baby, divorce, personal illness, other (explain), none that you know of. * How will the dog be cared for during overnight absences or while on vacation? * Have you or are you fostering for another rescue shelter/organization? If yes, please list the organizations you have or are fostering for. Please include the organization name and contact information. * Please supply the name and phone number of your current veterinarian, or the one who saw your previous pet(s), with their title identification. If you don't have a vet, please provide the name of your employer, clergyman, or anyone not related to you who can attest to your character. Vet references are preferred. * Please provide three (3) references. Do not list your vet here, and please list no more than one family member. (Name, relationship, contact information) * Please submit any additional comments here: * Please initial and date below that you understand the following: * - Placement of any dog you may foster is under the sole discretion of PLR. - You are not responsible for or expected to find your foster dog a home on your own. - Listing PLR foster dogs on public websites like craigslist or any other website not approved by PLR is strictly prohibited. All PLR dogs are listed through Petfinder and on our official website (; these are the only approved listing sites for PLR. - Any potential homes for your foster dog must be fully screened and approved by PLR. While all PLR foster homes are encouraged to be a part of the process (going on the home visit, meeting potential families), ALL decisions on vetting, training, adoption placement, etc. concerning your PLR foster dog are made solely by PLR. Initial and Date: * I certify that the information entered on this application is true. Enter your name and date: *